This device is contraindicated against and should not be used by those with acute or severe cardiac, liver, or kidney disease/condition or other underlying conditions linked to these diseases. It is not recommended that this device is worn over various skin infections and conditions, or directly over a surgical site/hardware, bone fracture, or if you are experiencing unexplained pain in the area. It is also advised that this device is not used for those who have neurological and/or peripheral conditions as well as other conditions that may influence or alter sensation and perception.

Due care is required in these circumstances, and the devices' use may need to be modified. Where appropriate, or if you have any concerns, seek the advice of a medical professional.
Recent injury or surgery
Hypertension (controlled)
Abnormal sensations (e.g., numbness)
Sensitivity to heat or pressure
Bony prominences or regions
Mild peripheral neuropathy
Remove eye lenses (i.e. contact lenses) before using the device
This device should fit tightly but should NOT restrict circulation in any way

The following are circumstances where the potential risks may outweigh the benefits. Consult a medical professional before use.
Skin rash, open wounds, blisters, local tissue inflammation, infections, bruises, or tumors
Hypertension (uncontrolled)
Vascular/arterial and circulation diseases, including blood clots, phlebitis, thromboses, and varicose veins
Acute or severe cardiac, liver, or kidney disease
Severe peripheral neuropathy or other causes of sensory impairment
Bleeding disorders
Connective tissue disorders
Medications that may thin the blood or alter sensations
Direct pressure over surgical site or hardware
Pacemaker or ICD
History of embolism
Do not use in the presence of unexplained pain